Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of healing dating back to the 21st Century B.C. It originated in China, and is one of the oldest, safest and most natural forms of medicine.  It is still widely used there today and regarded as a consistent and effective method of treating illness and disease.

Over the last thirty years, Acupuncture has gained popularity in the West and has established itself as a significant and powerful form of medicine in restoring and maintaining good health.

The theories of TCM are based on the idea that our health is dependent on the balanced functioning of ‘Qi’ in our bodies.  Our ‘Qi’ is our vital energy, and in good health this flows strongly and smoothly along specific pathways in our bodies called Channels.  These Channels are in turn linked to our vital organs.

Imbalances in our health and lifestyle, diet, the environment and our emotions can cause our Qi to become either blocked or deficient.  This in turn affects the smooth functioning of our internal organs.  The Chinese believe that this Qi can be enhanced, improved and nourished so that the patient is not only symptom free, but also healthy and full of vitality.

MRI scans show that acupuncture triggers the body’s healing process by calming the central nervous system, regulating hormones and releasing endorphins.  Recent research by Dr Hugh Macpherson, showcased on BBC2’s programme ‘Trust me, I’m a Doctor’ has shown that acupuncture reduces blood flow in the deep area of the brain called the ‘pain matrix’, providing conclusive proof that we experience less pain as a result of acupuncture treatment.
